Dr. Neha Rastogi is a renowned Infectious Disease Consultant with a thriving experience of more than 10 years. Her area of expertise includes managing transplant infectious diseases such as BMT or organ transplant, management, and treatment of infections in cancer patients, HIV patients, etc.
The number of emerging infectious diseases in India has risen within the recent past and threatens to grow in the near future. Over 30 new infectious agents have been detected worldwide in the last three decades.
About Doctor: https://www.vaidam.com/doctors/dr-neha-rastogi-internal-medicine
About Hospital: https://www.vaidam.com/hospitals/fortis-memorial-research-institute-gurgaon Video Rating: / 5
Antigen-specific T cells and human virus infection
Dr Tao Dong’s research interests include antigen-specific T cell responses in human virus infections and their contribution to the consequences of the disease. Hepatitis B virus has recently been added to the list of viruses which Tao and her group studies, which includes influenza and hepatitis C virus/HIV co-infection.
Research in China
Because of its population size, China is a major contributor to infectious disease worldwide. Large patient cohorts, well established infrastructure, and government funding make research in China accessible. In collaborating with hospitals in China, the aim is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the immunological mechanisms behind viral diseases.
This video is a brief overview of Infectious Diseases. We will take a look at what they are, some terms used to describe characteristics of infectious diseases and different types. Historically, infectious diseases were the main cause of deaths around the world. Even now, they are a significant global public health issue leading to millions of deaths each year.
This video was created by Ranil Appuhamy
Voiceover – James Clark
For more information about infectious diseases, have a look at these websites:
These videos are provided for educational purposes only. Users should not rely solely on the information contained within these videos and is not intended to be a substitute for advice from other relevant sources. The author/s do not warrant or represent that the information contained in the videos are accurate, current or complete and do not accept any legal liability or responsibility for any loss, damages, costs or expenses incurred by the use of, or reliance on, or interpretation of, the information contained in the videos. Video Rating: / 5
Any idea why some Diseases spread easily through contact, while some do not spread at all? Why are some Diseases contagious while others do not get caught with mere communication?
Watch this video to find the answers and to understand types of Diseases, Infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and disorders.
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