Archive for the tag: Healthy

Smoker's lungs versus healthy lungs

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This demo shows a healthy set of lungs and a set of lungs similar to someone who smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for 20 years. You can see that tar has formed a sticky black layer inside the lungs, which restricts oxygen flow and contributes to cancers forming. Choose to have healthy lungs, and say no to all forms of tobacco.

Learn the best way to quit smoking from our expert:

Request an appointment at MD Anderson by calling 1-877-632-6789 or online:

Smoking is the leading preventable risk factor of cardiovascular disease in adults. In addition to the fact that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases its relation to the heart is very important. All the more in the Indian scenario the cause of smoking is the most modifiable risk factor for causing heart attacks is very important. Smoking in any form in the form of beedis, cigarettes or in the form of cigars or pipes or e-cigarettes or non smoking form of tobacco in the form of stuff are dangerous. The risk of smoking with heart disease is depended upon the number of cigarettes smoked to the duration of years in which it is being smoked. There is no cut off value below which it is considered to be safe. Smoking is deleterious to the heart. It could be in the form of causing sudden heart attacks in young patient. It is seen that in the south Asian population the heart attacks come much earlier. This in compared to the Western population one common reason is smoking. Smoking causes increased tendency of the blood to clot because of which a sudden heart attack can come. The benefits of stopping smoking is an important question which is not realised by many of them. Smoking when stopped reduce the risk of further heart attack by one third by the end of one year and the risk almost goes to that of a normal person who is a non smoker by the end of two years. This is a fact with the general population that don’t realise much. So it is always good to stop smoking than to continue it. The benefits of quit smoking continues from the time it is stopped and the benefits continues as it is quit for a long time.

Preventing injuries from manual handling – Go Home Healthy

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Practical steps to prevent injuries from manual handling in the workplace.

Prevention and control of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) is a major priority for HSE and the Manual Handling for Assessors training course will equip you with the knowledge to help recognise, assess and reduce manual handling risks in your organisation.

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Manual handling out ranks all other activities in the workplace and accounts for a whopping 40% of this country’s workers’ compensation claims.

This training program not only focuses on the physiology of the musculoskeletal system and shows in detail how and why we can do damage to our spines but also goes through a step-by-step process of how to prevent manual handling injuries in the workplace.

In this training program, workers will learn:

The physiology of the spine
What are the most prevalent manual handling injuries
How to prevent those injuries
How to conduct a manual handling risk assessment and all about
Controlling the risks
It is an extremely easy to follow detail look on preventing manual handling injuries in the workplace.