Archive for the 'cures' Category

Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2)

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Professor Roger Seheult, MD explains the important role Vitamin D may have in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Seheult is the lead professor at
Dr. Seheult illustrates how Vitamin D works, summarizes the best available data and clinical trials on vitamin D, and discusses vitamin D dosage recommendations.

Roger Seheult, MD is Co-Founder of MedCram and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine and Assistant Prof. at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He is Quadruple Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine

Interviewer: Kyle Allred, Producer & Co-Founder of


The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS)… (J. of Exposure A. and Env. Epidem.) |

Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3 (The J. of Clin. Invest.) |

Racial differences in the relationship between vitamin D… (Osteoporosis Int.) |

Decreased bioavailability of vitamin D in obesity (The American J of Clin. Nutrition) |

Vitamin D Insufficiency and Deficiency and Mortality from Respiratory Diseases … (Nutrients) |

Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis… (BMJ) |

Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A… (The American J.of Clin. Nutrition) |

Vitamin D and SARS-CoV-2 infection… (Irish J. of Med. Sci.) |

Factors associated with COVID-19-related death… (Nature) |

Editorial: low population mortality from COVID-19 … (Alimentary Pharm. & Therap.) |

The role of vitamin D in the prevention of coronavirus … (Aging Clin. & Exper. Res.) |

25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations Are Lower in Patients with … SARS-CoV-2 (Nutrients) |

Vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19: Mixing up cause and consequence (Metabolism) |

Low plasma 25(OH) vitamin D level… increased risk of COVID-19… (The FEBS J.) |

The link between vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19… |

SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates… with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (PLOS One) |

Vitamin D status and outcomes for… COVID-19 (Post. Med. J.) |

Vitamin D Deficiency and Outcome of COVID-19… (Nutrients) |

“Effect of calcifediol treatment…” (J. of Steroid Bio. Molec. Bio.) |

Vitamin D and survival in COVID-19 patients… (J. of Steroid Bio. Molec. Bio.) |

Effect of Vitamin D3 … vs Placebo on Hospital Length of Stay…: A Multicenter, Double-blind, RCT |

Short term, high-dose vitamin D… for COVID-19 disease: RCT [SHADE study] (Postgrad. Med. Journal) |

Association of Vitamin D Status… With COVID-19 Test Results (JAMA Network Open) |

Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline (JCEM) |

Vitamin D Fortification of Fluid Milk … A Review (Nutrients) |

Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19 patients… (Scientific Reports from the Journal Nature) |


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#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #VitaminD

Could Vitamin D be the miracle supplement? Brigham and Womens Hospital research indicates that Vitamin D may help defeat asthma in children, hip fractures in adults and maybe a whole lot more.

How To Make Easy Cured Egg Yolks

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Cured egg yolks are the mysterious, and slightly strange homemade condiment that everyone should be making. For something as fancy sounding as it is, the recipe itself is extraordinarily simple. Little salt, little sugar, and some patience. Put that stuff on EVERYTHING.


The Sahara Dehydrator:


Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge, co-founders of Beekman 1802, step into the Miele Demonstration Kitchen at the Mercantile in Sharon Springs, NY to demonstrate how to preserve egg yolks and how to use them in your kitchen.

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Miele stands for excellent results combined with the lowest possible energy consumption in your home. This applies to the care of your laundry, flooring, and dishes, as well as exploring the boundaries of your creativity while coming up with culinary delights in the kitchen.

Using vitamin C as a treatment

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Using vitamin C as a treatment

There is no specific medicine to prevent or treat COVID-19. Many doctors are recommending people self-treat and if their condition worsens, they should seek medical help. So what could be an effective treatment in helping people fight COVID-19?

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How To Treat Eczema Naturally

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Eczema is a skin condition causing dry, itchy patches of skin which can lead to blistering and bleeding.

The conventional medical approach only suppresses the symptoms and doesn’t work on the cause.

Here are a few simple tips to help you start working on the causes of your eczema.
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I Cured My Type 2 Diabetes | This Morning

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I Cured My Type 2 Diabetes | This Morning

GP Dr Michael Mosley was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes four years ago and rather than start on medication – he invented the 5:2 diet – resulting in him losing weight and reversing his diabetes diagnosis. Dr Mosley will be telling us how you can do the same on a similar diet.

A special thank you to the JDRF for their support.
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Disclaimer: This is not a medical site. It is always recommended to speak to a health care practitioner or nutritionist before adding a new
supplement to your routine.

Useful Information:
Nigella sativa has been broadly studied since the 1980’s, studies report it to possess a number of medicinal properties and pharmacological actions. Black seed has been proven to have mutliple health benefits. Thymoquinone (TQ) is a bioactive compound of the Nigella sativa seed oil. Nigella seed is well know for its its diuretic, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immune-modulatory, antimicrobial, antihelmintic, analgesics and calming, spasmolytic, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, anti-tussive, gastro-protective, hepato-protective, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreasing, renal-protective and anti-oxidant properties.

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This SEED Cure For All Diseases Except Death – Really?

The Nigella Sativa, more commonly known as black seed, it is a well-known natural spice, that has been popularized worldwide for its medicinal and culinary uses. It is native to southern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia, but is currently consumed in most of the world.

Regarding this ingredient, there are those who wonder if it is true that it has “healing powers”. Since it has been used in traditional medicine, many myths about its health effects have spread. Is it as good as they say? Can it actually be curative? Today we want to clarify it.

00:30 Does the black seed have healing powers?
The properties of the black seed have been studied extensively, to the point of confirming many of its beneficial effects on health. However, claiming that it has “healing powers” is wrong. While its components can help improve various health problems, by itself it does not cure diseases.

In fact, it is not considered a first-line treatment for health problems, nor is it a substitute for therapeutic measures by doctors. Simply, included in the regular diet, in prudent amounts, it turns out to be a good adjunct to promote well-being.

01:01 Properties of the black seed:
As we already mentioned, black seed has been the focus of various investigations and trials. Therefore, as a study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine supports, consuming it in a balanced way helps improve health.
Among the main healing substances found in the seed is thymoquinone, the main bioactive component of essential oil.
They also include alphahenderin, a water-soluble substance that, as shown in a study in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, has anticancer activity.
Remember that carcinogenic activity is not synonymous with the fact that it can cure cancer or something like that. Simply, in the studies carried out, it contributed to inhibit the growth of malignant cells. However, more studies are needed to make claims.
Regarding its composition, in addition to its protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber content, studies show that black seeds contain a good amount of various vitamins and minerals: such as, potassium, zinc or iron, among others.
Similarly, these seeds contain unsaturated acids, mainly linoleic acid (50 to 60%), oleic acid (20%). It also has saturated fatty acids to a lesser extent (30% or less).
Within the spectrum of its pharmacological actions, information disclosed in the Journal of Pharmacopuncture indicates that it includes:

02:32 How can it be used?
The black seed can be used in various presentations. Some prefer it macerated or powdered, but it is also available in oil, whole seeds, and supplements. In all cases it is better to consult your doctor before taking it regularly. In its natural state, it should be included in food and drink.

02:50 Precautions:
As you may have noticed, the black seed has interesting nutritional and medical potential. However, it is important to bear in mind that, just as its use and consumption attracts enormous benefits, it can also have some side effects and contraindications.
Its consumption is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
It can cause allergic and skin reactions in some people. If any symptoms such as swelling, hives, dizziness or nausea are observed, its use should be discontinued.
If you are under any drug treatment, it is important to consult your doctor before taking black seed. This is because it could decrease its action or cause unwanted interactions.
In some people, contact with the black seed causes a rash and itchy skin reaction. If this is your case, rinse with plenty of water and avoid using it.
It should be avoided in case of hypotension, as it tends to lower blood pressure even more.
In conclusion, it is not in vain that the black seed is considered an ally for our health. However, it must be remembered that excess of any substance is generally harmful. If in doubt, we must consult the doctor.

Thank you for watching the video.

I hope this information may give certain information about black seed and its healing properties. Was this information helpful and What do you think about this video? Let us know in the comment section.

Until then take care and we will meet you with another informative video.
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What you need to know about Hepatitis C: causes, detection and cure.

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What you need to know about Hepatitis C: causes, detection and cure.

The leading cause of liver transplants in the United States is Hepatitis C. Anthony Michaels, MD, transplant hepatologist and medical director of liver transplantation at Ohio State explains diagnosis, treatment and cure. The virus is transmitted via blood contact, and risk factors include blood transfusion, intravenous drug use, tattoos, body piercing and sexual contact. Although many patients remain asymptomatic, routine blood tests may lead to a diagnosis. Dr. Michaels emphasizes the progress made with new well-tolerated medicines that can actually cure Hepatitis C. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit or call (614) 293-6255.

Depression Treatment Options: A Quickstart Guide-What to do if you're diagnosed with Depression

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Depression Treatment Options- a Quick Start Guide
You or someone you care about has been diagnosed with depression- so now what? In this video, I’m going to teach 5 essential things you should know to get started treating your depression right away. I’ll share 14 research-backed treatment options for depression and help you get connected to local resources. Depression doesn’t have to be permanent-it’s treatable- here’s how.

First: A depression diagnosis does not mean that you are defective, nor that it’s your fault, you’re not broken and the disorder is treatable. It is not a character trait or just a “Chemical imbalance” Depression is a real and challenging condition that combines biology, life experience, thoughts and actions to create a pattern that is difficult to break out of on your own, but with the right resources and support things can get way better!

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Therapy in a Nutshell, and the information provided by Emma McAdam, is solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

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Are you suffering from depression but not interested in taking medication? Are you taking medication but don’t feel like its working well enough? Learn about 7 ways that you can treat depression naturally to help your mood and improve your life. These are suggestions that anybody can do and have been proven to treat mild to moderate depression.

All of these suggestions should be reviewed with your own doctor and you should never stop any medications without consulting them. If you have severe symptoms including suicidal or homicidal thoughts you need to seek help immediately.

Here are the 7 proven steps that can help control your depression:
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
2. Exercise- 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week
3. Improve your diet
4. Manage Stress
5. Get adequate sleep
6. Surround yourself with positive influences and Eliminate the negative
7. Go out and serve somebody else- For ideas on service opportunities in your neighborhood try:

Depression requires multiple avenues of treatment to be able to control this debilitating disease. Talk with your doctor about the best options for you.
For other ideas on how to treat your depression may I suggest the following books:

The Happiness Advantage- Shawn Achor

The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs- Stephen S. Ilardi

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (Book & CD)- Mark Williams, John Teasdale et. al

The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life- Mark Williams, John Teasdale et. al

The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time- Alex Korb PhD

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Revive, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Calcium, Vitamin D

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Hiccups | How To Get Rid Of Hiccups (2018)

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Hiccups cure. This video is on treatment, cures and how to stop and get rid of hiccups fast, as well as what are hiccups.

A hiccup is an automatic action (a reflex) that the body can’t control. During a hiccup your diaphragm (the muscle under your lungs that helps you breathe) contracts. Immediately after this the top of your windpipe (your glottis) closes, making the typical ‘hic’ sound.

I hope my tips help you and good luck! By the way maybe we can do our own little science experiment and see which remedy works best, so please leave a comment below and let me know which one works for you. I will then tally the results up and leave a pinned comment, this may be useful for everyone in the future.

Everyone has had hiccups, and knows exactly what they are and what they feel like. They affect women and men equally, although persistent hiccups occur much more commonly in men. They happen mainly in the evening.

There is an important difference between short bouts of hiccups and persistent hiccups (lasting longer than 48 hours). Persistent hiccups are more likely to be linked to an underlying illness and you may need medical tests.

Most people have bouts of hiccups from time to time. In most cases they start for no apparent reason, last a short while and then stop. Sometimes they are due to:

• Sudden excitement or emotional stress.
• A temporary swollen stomach caused by overeating or eating too fast, drinking fizzy drinks, or swallowing air.
• A sudden change in temperature (very hot or cold food or drinks, a cold shower, etc).
• Alcohol.
• Excess smoking.

Persistent hiccups are rare. In some cases, persistent hiccups are caused by an underlying disease. Over 100 diseases have been reported to cause hiccups. Some are common, such as acid reflux, and some are rare. You would normally have other symptoms apart from the hiccups.

In some cases of persistent hiccups there is no apparent cause. However, the persistent hiccups can become exhausting and distressing. Examples of conditions which can cause persistent hiccups can be found at the following link:

Please see your doctor if you have persistent hiccups (lasting longer than 48 hours), as medical tests and investigations may be required.

There are many popular remedies that are said to stop a short bout of hiccups but they are based on people’s individual experiences. It is not clear how effective they are, as they have not been tested by research trials. They include the following:

•Using a technique called the Valsalva manoeuvre. The way to do this is to take a deep breath in, then keep the air inside you while pushing with your muscles as if to force the air out. This is like pushing in childbirth or straining on the toilet.
• Remedy from Dr Eric Voigt and apparently it has a high success rate. Drink water from the opposite side so tilt your head down and drink the water this way. Because of the way the abdomen contracts it may stop hiccups.
• Swallowing granulated sugar.
• Sipping iced water.
• Biting on a lemon or tasting vinegar.
• Pulling on the tongue.
• Breathing- Either hold your breath for a short time, breath fast or breathe into a paper bag.
• Compress the diaphragm by either pulling the knees up to the chest or leaning forward.
• Swallow water while closing the nose.
• Ask someone to scare you.

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I’m a British – Persian – Iranian prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
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The cure for hiccups that works every, single time

NYU otolaryngologist Dr. Erich Voigt tells us the one thing that he does to stop every single case of hiccups.


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